Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Salvation Army Center of Hope

 Salvation Army Center of Hope..They are a great resource for single women and women and children. To get there, take the #21 CATS bus and get off at the corner of Tryon and Dalton streets.  Or take the #22 and get off at Graham and Dalton. Then walk west to 534 Spratt St.

Unlike most other emergency shelters, they require a “referral” from C.E. (Coordinated Entry) before accepting you in. So be SURE to go to C.E. first. You can also just stop by Salvation Army and talk to one of the C.E. people stationed there. But if there are no open beds, then you'll still have to call C.E. back every day until one opens up. Tap this link for all the info on C.E. Of course you can call C.E., but it can take 2 days to get a return call. 
C.E. maintains a list of people who have called or dropped by to see if a bed has become available. *

Once you finally get the referral/clearance from C.E. you will get into Salvation Army’s program immediately. Also, Salvation Army has some space for fathers with children but there’s a wait for that space too.   In emergency weather conditions, (freezing temperatures) they can accept “walk-up” residents to stay on mats in their dining area for one night only.

Once you are in their program, they will provide three meals a day and you will have access to a case manager but that can take a month at this point. If you've tapped on the case manager link then you know that a case manager can be your key to ending homelessness.

* C.E. can't keep a wait list because things change so much for everyone on a daily basis. But... they try to be compassionate and balance a first come first served approach with the severity of need.  So.. if you really need to get into a shelter, call or visit someone at C.E. daily.

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